كلمة الصباح باللغة الانجليزية للاذاعة المدرسية

كلمة الصباح باللغة الانجليزية للاذاعة المدرسية، كلمة الصباح للإذاعة المدرسية مهمة بنسبة كبيرة للطالب، لأنها تضم عدة فقرات مفيدة له وللمستمع بشكل عام.
هكذا يجب الاهتمام بتنوع المعلومات والفقرات بها، حيث تعتبر الإذاعة المدرسية بمثابة إعطاء الطالب المعلومات بطريقة بسيطة قبل الولوج في اليوم الدراسي المعتاد.
محتويات المقال
كلمة الصباح عامة للإذاعة المدرسية للمرحلة الإعدادية
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, dear male and female students, we will present to you this new morning filled with optimism and hope, our radio program that includes many interesting and different paragraphs, and the most beautiful thing to start with is the recitation of the noble verses of God, and with the Holy Quran and the student (…..)
هكذا After we have listened and enjoyed the verses of the Holy Quran, we will now listen to the noble hadith which the student will deliver to us (…..)
Now that we have listened to the hadith of the beloved, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, we will present to you the daily news section presented to us by the student (…)
هكذا Now we will leave you with our paragraph full of information and with the paragraph Did you know and the student (……)
And ends here, our broadcast paragraph for today, and we hope that we have benefited you and made us happy today by presenting the paragraphs of our radio, and to a meeting that brings us together tomorrow, God willing, with you the presenter of the student program (…..) And peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.
شاهد أيضًا: كلمة الصباح عن الوطن و كلمة الإذاعة المدرسية
كلمة الصباح عامة للمرحلة الثانوية
Praise be to God, the strong and the strong, the sublime, the apparent, the right, the revealed king, whose hearing is not hidden from the hidden whining, and the movements of the fetus are not lost. But God alone has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger ….. and after
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
هكذا Today’s school radio group is pleased to class ….. to take you to the sky of its broadcasting for today.
We begin our paragraphs with verses from the Holy Quran and the student (…)
One of the grace of God over our Islamic nation is that it knows the details of the life of our Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it is a clear life which makes it easy for his ummah to follow his guidance and emulate it, and an honorable hadith and the student (…..)
هكذا And with wisdom for the day and the student (……)
And now we proceed to the paragraph Do you know and with the student (…)
هكذا And now with our last paragraphs of the day and we leave you with the supplication of the Holy Quran and the student (… …)
At the end of our radio program, we thank you for your kind attention, and we wish you all success and success. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
كلمة الصباح عامة للمرحلة الابتدائية
Praise be to God, He did not chirp with confusion, sang and burst, and good prayers and peace. Blessed be upon the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the cleansed, enlightened face, and upon his family and companions the best of people and companions, peace and blessings until the day of resurrection and the crowd.
As for after:
Ethnic teachers … My fellow male and female students …. Peace of
God is valid for what prayers were held by humble worshipers and what
was done by the water of balmy water, the withdrawal of watering trees
and burial plantings, may God’s peace we give it to you with
compassion mixed with longing, for peace and God’s mercy andblessings are:
هكذا At the beginning of the journey we reveal the harm and spread the good
and verses from the Holy Quran and the Student (……)
And after listening to the words of God Almighty, let’s go to the words of
the Master of Anam, upon him, the best prayers and peace and the student (…..)
The gardens of our school have lush branches with connected meanings
and the branches are moist and with this fragrant flower from our upscale and student literature (…)
هكذا And now with the word morning, which is entitled (….) and the student (…)
Now let us leave you with knowledge, knowledge and the student (……)
Let’s go now to do you know and with the student (……)
And here is the time and the time has come to say goodbye
goodbye, and for another meeting
Peace, mercy and blessings of God.
شاهد أيضًا: كلمة الصباح عن العلم وما هو دور العلم والعلماء
كلمة صباح قصيرة للإذاعة المدرسية
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon
the truthful and faithful to the believers
the intercessor of Muslims and his family and companions.
As for after:
The school radio family is pleased to present to you its broadcast for this day
هكذا and the best thing to begin with is our broadcast of the words of God
Almighty and with the Holy Quran and the student (…..)
هكذا And now with the noble hadith and the student (…..)
And here we have come to our endless broadcast section of
information and with a paragraph Do you know and the student (……)
And with a question and a prize and the student (……)
هكذا And now we came to the word morning and with the student (…)
And before the end of our paragraphs
we would like to bring you what we have of literature and with the student (…)
هكذا And before we bid you farewell with the last paragraph to our broadcast
today and with the supplication and the student (…)
With eye and insight, you see the reality of this image on the pages of your calendar
هكذا as a beacon and enlightening for you
I give it and be proud, and we say thank you and to the meeting.
هكذا You have our greetings and all the respect, and we will not say goodbye
but rather to a close meeting, God willing
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
شاهد أيضًا: كلمة الصباح للاذاعة المدرسية الابتدائية قصيرة
هكذا نأمل أن تستفيدوا بما قدمناه لكم، من نبذة عن أشكال كلمة الصباح للإذاعة المدرسية باللغة الإنجليزية، ونتمنى أن يحظى بإعجابكم.